Faith Alone (Sola Fide) & Eternal Security

Course content for June 30, and July 7, 2019


Please review the following information to prepare for the class:
Catholic Answers - Tim Staples Interview - part 1(audio only)
Catholic Answers - Tim Staples Interview - part 2 (audio only)
Catholic Answers - Tim Staples Interview - part 3(audio only)

Excellent short video on Faith Alone with Jimmy Aiken: 

To better understand where the disagreements may arise then maybe we need to look at the Council of Trent: 

James 2:24 So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone.


Our works are needed for the ongoing process of Justification, and if not, then are we a people who believe in Once Saved, Always Saved?

Tim Staples (CA) What does the Bible say about Eternal Assurance

Karlo Broussard (CA)  Does John Teach Assurance of Salvation? (Video 2:18 min)

Steve Ray

Karlo Broussard (CA) Does the Bible Disprove Once Saved Always Saved?
