Course content for June 9 and 23, 2019
The 3 main assertions of Sola Scripture (Scripture alone) are:
- Scripture is the Christian’s sole infallible rule for determining what we are to believe and how we are to live.
- Scripture is materially sufficient, meaning that everything God wants us to know is there in the pages of the Bible.
- Scripture is formally sufficient, meaning that what the Bible teaches is sufficiently clear that no infallible teaching magisterium of the Church is necessary to interpret it or to formally define Christian doctrine.
- The Foundational Error of Sola Scriptura (text only)
- What Exactly do you mean by Sola Scriptura (text only)
- Karlo Broussard - Sola Scriptura is Unreasonable (2:34 video)
- Patrick Madrid: Sola Scriptura (6:12 video)
- Trent Horn: Is Sola Scriptura Resonable? (10:00 video)
- David Anders - Called to Communion (audio starts at 13:30)
- Scripture and Tradition in the Early Church (54:42)
Additional materials:
- Sola Scriptura isn't Scriptural (part 1) (text only) (6 part series, see below)
- A 10 Step Refutation of Sola Scriptura (text only)
- Catholic Apologist Argument (9:46)
- What does scripture alone mean?
- Could the "scripture alone" concept have been in circulation during the first century, when the New Testament was being written?
- Who has authority to define which books are in the bible (Canon)?
- What scriptures did Jesus use to confront religious leaders and refute satan?
- How is scripture alone a "foundational error", which exacerbates the differences among Christians?
Research Links:
By Ken Hensley (Coming Home Network)
Ken is a well-known Catholic speaker and author on staff with CHN. To subscribe to his personal email list and browse his many recorded talks on Catholic apologetics, visit his website at
Is Sola Scriptura Scriptural? Part I: New Testament Practice
Is Sola Scriptura Scriptural? Part II: What Do The Apostles Say?
Is Sola Scriptura Scriptural? Part III: Circular Reasoning
Is Sola Scriptura Scriptural? Part IV: Why do Protestants Embrace it?
Is Sola Scriptura Historical? Part I: Going “Deep in History” with Cardinal Newman
Is Sola Scriptura Historical? Part II: Three Simple Observations
Is Sola Scriptura Historical? Part III: Scripture and Tradition in the Early Church
Is Sola Scriptura Historical? Part IV: Sola Scriptura and Heresy
Here is a discussion from The Deep In History radio program with Marcus Grodi and Dr. Kenneth Howell regarding 2 Tim. 3:15 which is commonly used by non-Catholics to defend Sola Scriptura.
“all scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (Approx. 55 minutes)
In this next item the author presents 10 layers or qualifications for understanding scripture which doesn't fair well for Sola Scriptura.
In this next item the author presents 10 layers or qualifications for understanding scripture which doesn't fair well for Sola Scriptura.
"...Even allowing that the Bible is the final and ultimate authority for Christian faith and practice, it still must be understood. That is, the Bible’s authoritative teaching resides in the message it conveys – not the physical book itself. And discovering the message of the Bible requires navigating through many layers of human interaction first. These layers of human interaction are like lenses through which the Bible’s message is seen. It seems to me, then, that to whatever degree these interpretive layers influence how one understands the Bible’s message, to that degree they have an authoritative function (at least practically speaking). This seems to introduce the very kind of human authority that the popular sense of sola scriptura wants to avoid. Below are presented ten such layers for consideration."
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